Monday, June 24, 2019

Snakebyte PC Head:Set Pro Review

For better or worse, there’s so much to consider when it comes to choosing a new headset. Aside from sound quality (which is a bit difficult to convey in an advertisement or fact sheet), manufacturers have employed just about every trick in the book — flashy designs, LED lighting, a myriad of optional sound modes and “boost” features; it’s all be done before. German accessories developer Snakebyte — who manufacture just about everything, from gaming controllers, chair, battery packs, cases, and plenty more — has tried a different option with one of their latest creations. The Snakebyte PC Head:Set Pro advertises itself as a “luxury gaming headset without the luxury price.” The real question is, does it live up to its lofty claims?

Despite its relatively low cost, the first thing you’ll likely take notice of is the headset’s questionable color scheme. While I don’t personally mind the bright, neon yellow (which I affectionately compare to  a Sharpie highlighter), it definitely stands out from the rest of the pack — whether that’s a pro or a con is largely going to depend on your own tastes, and if it clashes with the rest of your gaming rig. It’s also worth mentioning that the LED lighting can’t be turned off, which might be a dealbreaker for some.

As a wired headset, setup is about as easy as you’d expect. It connects to your PC via USB, and while a slightly longer cable would have gone a long way — for those who position their rig sitting off to the side — it’s hard to complain, especially when you consider that some headsets require additional dongles or adapters. What might not be as easy to forgive is the flexible headband, which replaces the more traditional, sliding ones you’ve probably seen elsewhere. I can only assume this was done to cut down on costs and moving parts, though I can’t say it’s as comfortable as other headsets I’ve tried out. The in-line is large and easy to grip and comes equipped with a mute button and bass boost (more on that in a second).

All-in-all, the build quality and construction are nothing to scoff at (especially at this price point), a few trade-offs had to be made, presumably to cut down on costs. Unlike other higher priced headsets, Snakebyte’s latest does not feature a removable boom mic — it is fully adjustable, but it’s permanently attached, which can be a bit hard to deal with when stowing away in a drawer or case. Speaking of, there’s no included pouch or storage, so you’ll have to provide your own, or simply leave it out in the open.

Despite the obvious cost-cutting measures, Snakebyte makes up for it in the sound department. The 50mm drivers deliver where other, more expensive headsets fall short. Putting it through my usual tests (some gaming, and casual Spotify listening), the PC Head:Set Pro more than delivers on the lows, although the aforementioned bass boost option is a little too bloomy for my tastes — it’s best to leave that one untouched. The mid-range and highs are well-defined, though I did notice the mids were a bit less pronounced when I put it through a few critical listening sessions. For its price point, Snakebyte has delivered and exceeded my expectations, and the same goes for the surprisingly solid microphone.

When it comes to its sound quality and performance, few will take issue with what Snakebyte has managed to deliver. The PC Head:Set Pro can easily be found for less than $50, yet delivers an experience on par with headsets that cost nearly twice as much. Whether or not you’ll buy into their claim of “premium audio without the premium price tag” is if you are willing to put up with its design shortcomings. Highlighter yellow aside, there are certainly more comfortable headsets on the market — it really comes down to whether or not you’re willing to pony up the extra cash. As someone who does a lot of gaming (and has multiple consoles and PCs both at home and elsewhere), the PC Head:Set Pro is a great, affordable addition to my existing collection of headsets. If you’re in the same boat — or if you want to dip your toes in the water — don’t be afraid to take the plunge.

This review is based on a retail version of the PC Head:Set Pro. A unit was provided to us by Snakebyte for review.

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