Monday, August 26, 2019

Spider-Man Star Tom Holland Says Trending On Twitter Isn’t Great For Him

Twitter has been up in arms ever since Sony and Marvel parted ways, effectively yanking the web-head from the MCU. The hashtags “Boycott Sony” and “Save Spider-Man” were among the top trends in the world for a long time following the news. Tom Holland, the actor who plays Peter Parker, was also being mentioned heavily all over social media as fans speculated what the 23-year-old was thinking as this was all breaking. While some stars may relish the opportunity to be the center of attention, this guy is clearly not one of them. According to Holland, trending on Twitter really isn’t all its cracked up to be. In his own words:

“It’s been a crazy week, a lot to take in. Trending on Twitter is always not the best thing for me, I’m quite a private person.”

He went on to say:

“We don’t really know what the future holds for Spider-Man. All I know is it’s not the end of my run, and we’ll continue to make great movies, and I love making it, and I hope the fans will continue to love watching them. And who knows what’s gonna happen? But I do know that it’s gonna be great.”

It’s definitely true that we don’t know what’s going to happen next to the beloved character. Even Marvel president Kevin Feige can’t seem to get his story straight on how he thinks this is all going to play out. He’s said publicly that he doesn’t think Peter Parker was meant to be in the MCU forever, while simultaneously pushing Disney to work out a deal to bring the wise-cracking web-slinger back to the cinematic universe.

Neither side appears to be close to ending the standoff as of right now, but fans are still hoping that this can be resolved without Spider-Man exiting the Avengers. That’s all we know for now, but keep checking We Got This Covered for the latest news on this saga as it continues to break.

from Movies – We Got This Covered
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