Thursday, August 29, 2019

Zootopia 2 In Development At Disney, Same Cast Returning

Officer Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde are coming back to the big screen, as according to our sources, Zootopia 2 is currently in development at Disney. The sequel to the beloved animated film will be aiming to bring back as much of the talented voice cast as it can, too, including Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman. Plot details, meanwhile, haven’t surfaced just yet, but this scoop comes to us from the same source who relayed that Aladdin 2 would be happening long before the official news broke, so we have no reason to doubt it.

After all, Zootopia was a smash hit when it debuted back in 2016, garnering tons of praise from critics and fans alike. The film went on to win several awards over the next year, including the coveted Oscar for Best Animated Feature. The flick shattered box office records in several countries, too, and ultimately wound up earning over $1 billion worldwide.

When all was said and done, the movie unexpectedly became the fourth-highest-grossing feature of 2016 and the 34th-highest-grossing film of all-time. Zootopia was also the fourth animated pic to pass $1 billion in global box office history and was Walt Disney Animation Studios’ highest-grossing project since Frozen captivated audiences in 2013.

For those who haven’t seen it, the heartwarming plot explored the unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a fox con artist. Together, they managed to uncover a vast criminal conspiracy revolving around the widespread disappearance of predators in their titular city. On top of being fun and silly for children, the movie was also heralded for exploring the timely issues of harmful prejudice.

Now, viewers will get to once again visit the expansive world of anthropomorphic animals. It remains to be seen how Disney will be able to follow up such an impressive franchise debut, though we’re fairly confident that Zootopia 2 will end up being another enjoyable romp from the studio and as soon as we learn more about it, we’ll definitely let you know.

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