Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sony Developing A Live-Action Prowler Movie, Donald Glover May Return

It can be debated that Spider-Man: Homecoming is the best movie in the history of the titular character and one of the many bright spots in the film was Donald Glover as Prowler. Now, it sounds like the actor/musician may reprise his role in an upcoming feature centered around the anti-villain.

According to our sources close to WGTC – the same ones who told us Moon Knight was coming to the MCU and that Marvel was developing a She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel show for Disney Plus – Sony is currently in the early stages of planning a live-action Prowler movie set in the Venom cinematic universe. And if they get their way, Glover will return to play the part.

For those unfamiliar with the character, much like Black Cat he’s often depicted as a conflicted associate of Spider-Man, who struggles when it comes to be consistently all good or all bad. In Homecoming, Glover portrayed Aaron Davis as a low-level criminal felon, and though he didn’t have a huge role, he still left an impact on audiences.

If you recall, two thugs were in the middle of selling advanced technological firearms to him when they were interrupted by the wise-cracking Spidey. Then, later in the film, the titular superhero confronts Davis outside of the supermarket and webs his hand to the car in order to convince the crook to talk. Spider-Man’s able to get Aaron to tell him what he wants to know and then leaves him stuck to the car as punishment for being a bad guy.

In a deleted post-credits scene, Glover’s character returned and called his nephew Miles to tell him that he’s “not gonna make it.” This implies that Davis is the uncle of Miles Morales, who eventually takes over for Peter Parker as Spider-Man in the comics. A Prowler movie could lay the groundwork for that to happen, which is something that Tom Holland has vocally expressed his support for in the past as well.

Either way, this is definitely something fans should want to see, especially if Glover reprises his role. And with Sony reportedly having big, big plans for their own little Marvel universe, we imagine it won’t be long before the Prowler shows up.

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