Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deadpool 3 Fan Trailer Sees The Merc Cross Paths With Spider-Man

When Ryan Reynolds was asked about the possibility of Wade Wilson sharing the screen with Spider-Man, he said such a crossover already exists… but only in his heart.

Well, thanks to YouTuber Billy Crammer, above you’ll see a slick fan trailer for Deadpool 3 which just so happens to feature Marvel’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Combining footage from Deadpool and its rip-roaring (and decidedly R-rated) sequel, not to mention Homecoming, Far From Home, and Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-Man series, this teaser is a tantalizing reminder of what could have been.

Of course, Wade Wilson and his fellow mutants (see: X-Men and the Fantastic Four) were merely on the cusp of returning home to Marvel Studios during the time of the Disney-Sony fallout, so there were still plenty of hurdles to overcome before Deadpool and Spider-Man were sharing the same screen. Nevertheless, now that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker has effectively left the MCU in perpetuity – barring some unforeseen change of heart – this fan-made zinger is about as close to a Deadpool-Spidey crossover as we’re likely to see.

It’s a pretty cool piece of fan service nonetheless, as the above footage sees Wade Wilson encounter Tom Holland’s Web-Head, before they ultimately form a team of their own. It’s like Marvel’s Heroes for Hire, only headed up by an easily-influenced hormonal teenager and the fast-talking Deadpool, who really dances to his own tune – katanas and all.

Back in the realm of reality, and Marvel Studios is marching forward into Phase 4 without Spider-Man, while Sony appears to be plotting its own Spidey franchise which will, in all likelihood, share some sort of connective tissue with Venom. So while a Peter Parker-Wade Wilson crossover is the stuff of fantasy, it’s nigh on certain that Tom Holland’s Web-Crawler will soon be starring opposite Eddie Brock.

from Movies – We Got This Covered
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