Thursday, May 26, 2022

Jeff Bridges almost died from COVID while undergoing cancer treatment

If you haven’t seen the trailer for Jeff Bridges‘ latest project, The Old Man, trust us when no one would use the word “frail” to describe the character actor upon viewing it. Despite the title, Bridges, a 72-year-old grandfather of two in real life, comes off more like a guy spoiling for a stunt coordinator job on the next John Wick picture. So it’s a shock to find that the Big Lebowski star was recently at death’s door.

Near the end of 2020, Bridges revealed to the world that he had received a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that affects the lymphatic system. The actor started a blog on his website where he wrote, according to People, that “this cancer is making me appreciate my mortality, appreciate impermanence. I’m realizing if I have s— to share, now’s the time.”

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