This year’s cinematic adaptation of gaming’s most popular horror franchise has returned to production. Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, the first live-action installment in Capcom’s series since the conclusion of Paul W. S. Anderson’s six-part zombie nightmare in 2017, is a complete reboot directed by Johannes Roberts slated for release later this year.
As a more faithful retelling of the source material, Welcome to Raccoon City, as the name suggests, will primarily take place in the titular mountain town during the T-Virus outbreak caused by Umbrella and feature iconic characters such as Albert Wesker, Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine fighting to escape their hometown before it becomes aught but dust. While the premise is promising, fans have yet to see anything of the project besides set photos with not even a trailer to speak of, despite filming having already wrapped.
Comments provided by actor Robbie Amell, however, may shed some light on why little has been heard since the aforementioned announcement. Speaking to folks during a recent Twitch stream – in which Amell plays Call of Duty: Warzone, he said the following: “I’m actually back in Toronto for Resident Evil reshoots. So I’m back in Chris Redfield mode.”
If that news is immediately causing alarm bells to ring in your ears, it’s worth noting that reshoots are common practice in the industry and allow filmmakers to go back and obtain more footage, often for the sake of continuity or to further expand on an existing scene.
That being the case, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City remains on course to meet its November 24th debut at the box office and we’ll hopefully have something more substantial to see sooner rather than later, so be sure to watch this space for further updates.
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