Sunday, December 27, 2020

Star Wars’ Mark Hamill Pays Tribute To Carrie Fisher On 4th Anniversary Of Her Death

Star Wars legend Mark Hamill has remembered his onscreen sister and dear friend Carrie Fisher on the fourth anniversary of her death in a wholesome tweet.

The tragic passing of the American actress on December 27th, 2016 essentially came out of nowhere and left a lasting effect on the galaxy far, far away and its stories. Even now, it’s difficult to watch the Original Trilogy in admiration of Princess Leia and resist the sinking feeling that Carrie is no longer with us.

Of course, this must be infinitely more heartbreaking for people who were close to the star. After all, we know that Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill remained tight after their work on the films. The latter, in particular, still remembers his co-star and pays tribute to her at this time of year, and 2020 is no exception. The Skywalker twin took to his Twitter account today to share a picture of Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘s credits that reads: “In Loving Memory of our Princess Carrie Fisher.”

Fisher returned for the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and reprised her role as Leia Organa. Though she sadly passed away before the release of Rian Johnson’s middle act found its way to theaters. Still, there was enough filmed material so as to not compromise her appearance in the movie in any meaningful way. And despite Episode IX proving to be just as controversial as its predecessor, fans can wholeheartedly agree that J.J. Abrams handled her farewell in a powerful way. At least, so far as the available footage warranted.

That galaxy far, far away may have lost its princess 4 years ago, but as Luke Skywalker once said: “No one’s ever really gone.”

from Movies – We Got This Covered
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