Sunday, November 22, 2020

HBO Max Reportedly Wants Cavill’s Superman And Pattinson’s Batman To Meet

Batman and Superman are no strangers to either facing off or teaming up in the pages of DC Comics, but it took a long time to get the iconic superheroes together on the big screen. Air Force One and Troy director Wolfgang Petersen came agonizingly close to getting Batman v Superman made in the early 2000s, with Christian Bale and Josh Hartnett reportedly offered the title roles, but Warner Bros. eventually nixed the idea after realizing they would make more money from two individual blockbusters rather than one crossover epic.

George Miller’s abandoned Justice League: Mortal almost had Armie Hammer and D.J. Cotrona suiting up as the Dark Knight and the Big Blue Boy Scout respectively before budget concerns saw that project dropped as well, leading many fans to think that they’d never see the comic book company’s two crown jewels co-starring in the same movie.

Once Zack Snyder came along and assumed control of the DCEU though, a cinematic universe exploded out of nowhere, and after laying the groundwork in Man of Steel we suddenly had Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill facing off in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. After such a rapid start, fast forward almost five years and we’re still waiting on the filmmaker to put the finishing touches on follow-up Justice League.

However, tipster Mikey Sutton claims that the studio are so confident it’ll be worth the wait that plans are already tentatively in place for an entire Justice League trilogy on HBO Max. Not only that, but the impending introduction of the multiverse in The Flash has reportedly given WB a vested interest in having Cavill’s Superman come face to face with Robert Pattinson’s rebooted Batman, although quite how the various realities will tie together in order to make that happen remains unclear.

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