Monday, October 19, 2020

Star Trek EP Wants The Movies And TV Shows To Crossover

The Star Trek franchise is experiencing mixed fortunes to say the least, with the small screen division looking in much better health than the feature film department. Paramount had to come out and publicly deny the rumors that they were giving up on making movies altogether, despite none of the four projects currently in development making any sort of headway towards getting into production.

On television, Trek is the strongest it’s been for a long time, with countless shows either on the air or heading in that direction. Nobody can seem to decide if they want the next big screen adventure to be the fourth installment in the Kelvin timeline or another reboot from Noah Hawley though, but prolific executive producer Alex Kurtzman is more than happy to continue expanding the platform’s episodic output across as many different mediums as possible.

Of course, Kurtzman has a personal and professional stake in both sides of Star Trek after co-writing and executive producing J.J. Abrams’ first two Kelvin installments, and in a recent interview he admitted that while he isn’t involved in the movies anymore, he’d still love to see the two arms of the franchise crossover and coexist in some fashion.

“I have no involvement in it right now. I don’t know where that’s going. Frankly, I have my hands very full. Having done two of those films, I loved them so much, and I really would love to see continuity and unification between the features and the TV side, because I think it’s what’s good for Star Trek, and that can be done any number of ways.”

Kurtzman already has the future of Star Trek on TV mapped out until at least 2027, but based on how things are going we might not even see a new movie by then. Both the canonical Star Trek 4 and Hawley’s reboot are currently on hold, while Quentin Tarantino’s R-rated effort seems very unlikely to happen, meaning that the small screen will be the only place for fans to get their fix of brave new worlds for the foreseeable future.

from Movies – We Got This Covered
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