Friday, September 25, 2020

New Marvel’s Avengers Update Fixes A Big Issue With Captain America

As Marvel’s Avengers inches ever closer towards celebrating its one-month anniversary, Crystal Dynamics has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to iron out various teething issues being reported by players of the ambitious action-adventure title. Chief among those, of course, is a particularly irritating bug that’s proven to be a thorn in the side of every Captain America player.

For reasons that will likely forever remain unexplained, fans of the First Avenger quickly discovered not long after launch that, unlike his colleagues, Steve Rogers was unable to smash through certain doors found in the game world. More often than not, these locations would house rare loot caches and other goodies worth seeking out, though if you ever found yourself playing solo or unable to signal for help from teammates, there would be no way of accessing their contents when playing as Cap. Thankfully, this week’s V1.3.1. stamps out that pesky bug and makes some much-needed balance changes to boot.

Perhaps the most welcome of those is a number of tweaks made to enemy attacks, including the infamous homing projectiles used by Adept Drone, Synthoid and Keeper. Following direct feedback from the community, Crystal has drastically toned down the accuracy of this ability as well as reduced the frequency in which it’s used. To accommodate that, new standard attacks for Drone and Keeper have been added.

Lastly, issues preventing some players from being able to accept Marvel’s Avengers‘ Faction Missions and/or Villain Sectors should now be resolved, though if you were one of those affected, Crystal is making sure to compensate any lost rewards by granting everyone the following:

  • 250 Polychoron
  • 500 Uru

In order to claim the above resources, you’ll need to access any active Challenge Card prior to the October 1st cut off date. Make sure to spend your newfound riches wisely!

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