Saturday, July 4, 2020

Resident Evil 8 Leaker Teases How Long It Takes To Beat

While fans patiently wait for Capcom to reveal more official details about Resident Evil 8, prolific leaker AestheticGamer has been doing their best to supply the next best thing – reliable gossip. That’s one hell of an oxymoron, no doubt, but considering the individual’s proven track record when it comes to all things Resident Evil related, AestheticGamer (aka DuskGolem) certainly knows more than a thing or two about what goes on behind closed doors at Capcom HQ than your Average Joe.

This time around, the leaks concern Resident Evil 8‘s supposed running time and, moreover, how the sequel’s overall length compares to that of its predecessor as well as the studio’s recent remakes. Addressing the topic over on Twitter, the whistleblower said:

Okay LAST RE8 question then work. I don’t know the exact play time but I’ve heard pretty reliably out of the RE Engine games it’ll be the longest one. Not the absolute longest RE game, I personally suspect it’ll be shorter than RE6/RE4, but I’ve heard it’s longer than RE7/RE2/RE3.

As any longtime fan of the series will know, of course, quantity is rarely, if ever, an indicator of quality, with Resident Evil 6, arguably the longest Resident Evil game to date, often considered to be the worst. Casual playthroughs of Resident Evil 7, on the other hand, can take anywhere between 6-8 hours, so if its follow-up does turn out to be a meatier experience, we’re expecting a playtime in the region of 10-12 hours. Capcom will, after all, want to show off what it can do with next-gen hardware, so expect many more explorable locations than just the titular Village to be present in the finished product.

Resident Evil 8 is scheduled for release in 2021 for PC, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, the latter version of which is rumored to feature full PS VR support. See here for everything we know so far.

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